There's something lovely about growing things. I love waking up in the morning and running out to the garden to see what changes have occurred while I was sleeping. Things will come up that weren't there the day before, and others will have shot up an inch or two during the sleepy hours.
Our cilantro is going crazy. And we have some carrots growing. But possibly the most impressive are the squash
and the lettuce.
We had a rabbit friend that we witnessed yesterday chomping on some of our greens. I'm okay with sharing, especially if it is kind enough to stick around for the Sir to witness. With the garden inviting bunnies and the bird feeder attracting many feathered friends, the Sir gets to look out the window for his very own nature show. Who needs tv with that going on just outside?
Speaking of outside, the chickens have been loving their outdoor play time. They will be so thrilled when they get to live outside permanently instead of in the run the husband made them in the garage.
One of the things that has been keeping me sane lately is the growth and beauty all around me. I am so grateful for the beauty that comes with spring-- and for the joy it brings my children. Hopefully my sanity stays with me... because let me tell you, I have contemplated the logistics of putting a cow in our front yard.
I don't think the neighbors would mind (but the cow might).
Enough about plants and livestock. How about me?