Monday, August 3, 2009

I think I broke my toe.

I'm a planner. I have a planner, and I am a planner. I like knowing what is going to happen before it happens, and I spend far too much time daydreaming about those things and what they will look like, what I'll be doing, how I'll feel, and all the wonderful things that will happen when those things happen. It makes it difficult for me to be present, but it also makes me very capable of organizing things.

Until recently, I was feeling a little anxious (see: a LOT anxious). We had vague plans for our future, but nothing was really concrete. Fortunately, I rediscovered my financial love affair with Dave Ramsey, and listening to his podcasts have brought some of that planning back into my life. We've been budgeting and financial planning like fiends as of late, and it has been absolutely delightful. Planning, planning, planning.

Then last night, after battling a brief bout of insomnia, Bobby decided to explore what graduate programs the University of Utah had to offer. After hunting around a little bit, we discovered something uhMAYzing. Have you ever sat and said, "Man, I wish there were a career that did this, this, and this, so I could do what I love and get paid for it." The University of Utah HAS THAT PROGRAM. I'm a little in love with it, and I'm not even going into it. I'm getting extremely prematurely excited, but I'm a planner. And this definite possibility makes me very, very happy. It would also mean we could move back to Utah in a couple years, which would be fantastic.

It'd be kind of fun to go to the beach for a while.


Kathleen said...

ummm I hope your toe is not broken...and you should come to Houston and play on the beach with me. just sayin...

TPlayer said...

Are you keeping this "magical" program a secret? What is it?!