Friday, October 2, 2009

Soupy oatmeal makes my heart smile.

Friday mornings are the best. I can sleep in as late as I want (today, I slept in until EIGHT O'CLOCK!), and when I wake up, I can take the dogs to the park if I want (and I did). I can take my time walking there, too, enjoying the perfect hoodie weather and the crisp, clear scent of autumn, because it's Friday. I have absolutely NOTHING scheduled on Fridays. Of course, I do have things to get done today (process recording, response paper for diversity, clean the institute), but I don't have any particular time that they have to get done.

And it is delightful.

The schedule of classes for next semester has been posted, and of course, I immediately looked at when the classes I want are happening. After learning my lesson this semester (it IS better to go for the classes you want as opposed to the schedule you want), I realized that my Fridays off are going to be short-lived. Fortunately, though, my classes will all happen in the morning. So Tuesday/Thursday, I'll be on campus until 3:00 at the latest (one of the days, I'll be done by 11), which means two days a week, I'll have an entire afternoon to spend time with my dogs. This semester has been hard on them-- most days, they're just locked up. They get some respite when one of us has time to take them to the park for a half hour, but other than that, they just stay cooped up. This gives them more time to be dogs more often, which makes me extremely happy. As Bobby looks at his schedule and makes plans for when he'll graduate, I feel extremely peaceful, knowing that eventually, we'll be in a house with a yard, where the dogs can play outside whenever they want without concerns about neighbors yelling at us for not having our dogs on leash.

My classmates are amazing. Most of my classes are amazing, and the one that isn't, I have a bunch of friends who also think it's less than amazing, so we have gripe-fests together, which is also delightful. It's so nice to be around so many people that think like me. It's empowering, and I missed it so much when I was in classes at BYU (not that they weren't kind people, we just didn't work on the same wavelength for the most part).

The animals have fleas. And that sucks. But it's causing me to look forward to a freeze, which as someone who does not particularly enjoy cold weather, this is working for me. Bobby has been wonderful in dealing with my anxiety regarding the infestation. He combs them, bathes them, vacuums, and he bought Chuck a little catnip toy when we discovered the fleas had relocated, even though he swears he doesn't care for our cat. I often reflect on my dating days, when I was looking for the "perfect" guy. My husband isn't perfect (thank goodness), but he's perfect for me. I feel extremely blessed to be able to spend my life with my best friend.

And I'm in love with this. I wish I could find the whole song.


Beth said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know why I like "Glee" so much. After this song, I totally said, "If this show had a soundtrack, I would go buy it and listen to it a lot. In car, cleaning the house, running, grading papers..."

Chelsea said...

you can watch the whole episode here:

if hulu or doesn't work, of course. Although, with icefilms there are no commercials.

of course, it's almost to the end of the episode so you'll have to wait for it to load.

Chelsea said...

oh! and because I saw this I had to watch the episode. The song starts right at the 40 min mark. not a second sooner.