Saturday, June 21, 2008

a few of my favorite things

I love watching the animal cops shows on tv and watching Peli's reaction. When there are dogs howling or barking, she starts watching. She enjoys when I watch the show, not because of the sounds, but because I exponentially increase her snorgling time when I see how some people treat their dogs.

Last night, on a complete whim, I went over to our neighbor's house and asked if Peli could play with their bull terrier, Shadow. Shadow lives in a pen in their backyard, and I gave him some treats earlier yesterday. When he saw us get home from eating Thai, he got really excited, and I thought he could use some play time. Our neighbors, Edward and Myra, came out and we all talked for a long time. They're both from Mexico and have an adorable little girl, and after talking for a long time, we put the dogs away and they invited us in. Myra gave us a TON of Mexican food (some kind of soup) to take home with us, and I just ate some for lunch. Oh. My. Gosh. It is pretty much one of the tastiest things to ever enter my mouth.

Graduation is looming near, and the second I finish my last final, we're jumping into the car and driving to Texas for two and a half weeks. Financially, it may not be the greatest idea (not working for two and a half weeks? Yeesh!) but I could use a break like no one's business. I miss Bobby's dad and step-mom a ton, too, so that will be wonderful (not to mention the oodles of Kathleena time). We're also all going to ride a century together (a 100 mile bike race/ride... Bobby says it's not a race, it's a ride, but I'm not sure I would ever voluntarily ride 100 miles unless it was a "race"). But, Katie, you ask, How can you do a 100 mile road race without a road bike?

Ladies and gents, I present you with my almost bike: The Scott Pro Contessa.
At just barely over 17 pounds with nicer components than Bobby's road bike, I have a feeling I'm going to really like this bike. Just have to keep my chin off the pavement.

1 comment:

Not-so-tiny Tim said...

You guys should bike down to Houston. We have a couple of spare rooms if you don't want to stay together...or a larger one if you just can't be apart.

Have a fun trip!!