Monday, June 16, 2008

It's my birthday, and I blog what I want!

First of all, the most exciting news in my life that I am officially allowed to "post on the internet" today is that my older brother and his fiancee are going to pop out a baby next February (February 21st, actually). I'm pretty proud that I was able to guess what it was as soon as my brother said, "Are you driving, or can I tell you something?" For the record, I was driving, and I still made it home without killing myself or anyone else. Take that, stereotype of female drivers. I'm pretty stoked about becoming an aunt (and I'll become an aunt again once they get married, because LeAnne has the most adorable daughter already). I'm already thinking about all the ways I can spoil a child that isn't mine.

We went camping again this weekend, except this time with Marty and Sarah. Sarah is pretty much one of the coolest human beings you could possibly meet, and that's mostly because she's a lot like me (ha!). We can sit and talk about dogs and how stupid breeders are, and also exchange books and book titles because we're both big reading nerds. I feel a lot less lonely when I'm around her (yeesh, thank goodness I wasn't out to find a date out here). The downfall of the camping trip is that my back is a very, very bright red from hiking by the beaver dam (yup, a beaver dam), and I was reminded of why I have usually gone tanning a couple times in the years past. A large sun burn means I'm down for the count for an entire day, because rather than feeling hot and uncomfortable, my body just shuts down. Weird. Bobby's pretty burned too, which is sad, but I'm pleased, because he doesn't really burn easily, and it makes me feel better about myself.

Speaking of feeling better about myself, today is my birthday, and it's the first time in years I'm actually going to have a birthday! My mom usually forgot my birthday, then my 18th birthday was in the middle of competition at nationals for forensics, then my 19th and 20th consisted of a significant other on a mission, and then my 21st was supposed to be it. It was supposed to be the birthday to redeem all birthdays. Bobby was going to take me to the zoo (see? I'm not hard to please), but then my mom called and informed me that she had scheduled my bouquet/cake planning for that day. Today has already been a fantastic day. At midnight, while we were at Marty's watching "The Office," Bobby wished me a happy birthday, and then gave me my present. "I Am America (And So Can You)" by Stephen Colbert, and a book light so I can read at night without waking him up. He's pretty much the most amazing husband on the face of the planet. This morning, we're going to have breakfast at Mimi's Cafe, and then frolic at the animal shelter to play with all the dogs that otherwise might not get the attention. There was also talk of confetti cake, so we shall see. Yay! Happy birthday, Me!


Beth said...

Great birthday so far! Colbert's book is pretty hilarious. Tim and I listened to it on the way to Kansas for Christmas, I believe. Some long drive, anyways.

Are you really only 22? So young!

Heidi said...

yay for you! happy birthday!