Monday, April 14, 2008

Application for Graduation should be less complicated.

Apparently the last test for graduation is trudging up to campus (when really, what senior spends that much time on campus? Why not play like the other universities and post the application online? No wonder people confuse Mormons with the Amish) to fill out a form before the 15th, which is tomorrow, and naturally, I have yet to complete this daunting task. My excuse is that I was waiting until it was warmer (three cheers for 75 degrees) to make the trip.

Bobby had his very first race this past weekend, and he completed it without any serious bodily injuries, which I am indeed grateful for. He was worried about completing the race with the group, and I was worried about him completing the race with his face. Being there made me miss biking, but it didn't make me miss falling and breaking several teeth (and in case you were wondering, I have finally forced myself to stop playing with the temporary. Only one more week to go!). On that note, we will be purchasing a couple mountain bikes early next month (I'm less afraid of going face first into dirt than into cement), and then for my birthday, Bobby will be getting me a pink version of one of these:

Jealous? You should be.

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a long time. We spent several hours hiking in the mountains with our landlords, who are pretty much a couple of the coolest people I've met in Utah. I absolutely adore Lori, and yesterday, we actually got to talk for a while, just the two of us, which is pretty significant for me (it takes a while for me to be comfortable with people enough to talk in a one on one setting). She's such a fun gal. We're going to go garage sale shopping sometime soon, which I'm excited for. It's nice to know someone who understands the pressure and frustration of being Suzy Homemaker, especially out here in Mormonville, where the ovary-carriers seem to think we're supposed to have a perfectly tidy home, go to school/work, make 10 course meals every day, and look like we've stepped out of a magazine. Unfortunately, I seem to lack the decorative gene, as well as the caring about fashion gene, because I wear what I like and what's comfortable, which lately has just been giant skirts from DownEast Basics paired with whatever shirt is clean (or not clean... really, being clean is not a prerequisite anymore. Who has time for laundry?). It's no wonder so many women are medicated (either by a professional, or self-medicating. SO many women out here do meth, which is shocking until you're immersed in the culture). Oh, not to mention all the women in my ward carrying around a couple month old child with their toothpick arms, with waists that beg the question of how much they paid their surrogate. I realize I'm being very judgmental, but to me, I see the women that still have the little extra belly, and I think that is SO beautiful. We're told left and right that we have to look a certain way, and after you have a baby, you have to kill yourself to get that way within a couple months. Gradually, okay, that's doable, but what on earth are you doing to make yourself rail thin after carrying a human being for nine months? I still harbor some serious guilt for neglecting my cat when I was disordered-- I cannot imagine how much time is being taken away from the chitluns to achieve the "ideal". I look forward to the stretch marks that will remind me of the miracle of carrying a behbeh. It's so cool! A sperm, an egg, and BAM! A human! Why would you want to get rid of that evidence as quickly as possible? You can be healthy without being obsessed. Blah.


At the race, there was a girl who was a little bigger that the others, and bikers wear spandex. There were some comments about how she shouldn't be wearing spandex, and I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of the comments if they weren't so sad. This girl was getting ready to bike 40 miles. I certainly can't bike 40 miles. If you're getting ready to pound out 40 miles in a race with other people, you're probably in decent shape. People train pretty hard for these things. So she's not a size 2. She's probably a lot healthier than I am, and healthier than a lot of people I know. I want to shake people sometimes.

But HEY! I get to go to the Jimmy Eat World and Paramore concert tonight. Jealous? Again. You should be.

1 comment:

Me said...

You put so beautifully many of the reasons why I left Utah--and why I rebel against the "rail thin"world!
And "heck"--I even grew up in it!

Mary P.