Friday, July 18, 2008

I can ride my bike with handlebars.

Today, I completed a 40 mile ride. This is awesome for the following reasons:

  • I started my ride at 10, and spent 10:30-10:45 at ScenicView to show off my new bike to my supervisor, who also cycles. This means I was biking during the hottest part of the day.
  • I brought only one goo packet. I'm not sure what my logic was when I grabbed only one-- perhaps I thought I was going to be super fast, and only take two hours to get the ride done (my typical average speed is 15 mph-- I was feeling overly ambitious/confident?), and a goo is to be consumed for every hour on the ride. At about 2:15 into the ride, I thought my muscles gave up on existing.
  • I didn't get lost. I have a tendency of doing so, so completing a 40 mile ride on my own is pretty incredible.
  • There was a freaking snake sun bathing across the Provo River trail. I've seen plenty of dead snake bodies on the trail, but never a living one. And it was very long, probably about 4 feet. I thought I might poo myself, and I managed to stay on top of my bike.
Next week, I need to up it to 50, and 60 after that. If this is how it feels after only 40 miles, I'm probably going to sleep for a few days straight after the century next month.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

40 miles is great! someday i'll be allowed to ride a bike again...