Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I have a secret! And I'm NOT telling you in this blog.

Okay, so it's a little difficult to not comment at all about what happened yesterday. In spite of having half of our staff gone, leaving Suelen and myself to tackle phones, clients, and finding out fifteen minutes prior that a tour of funders would occur, it was hard to not feel hopeful and giddy about the speeches and parades and the four years to come. Obama's speech was magnificent. Reading it just made me so fired up for what I do every day, and I'm actually not as ashamed of my country at the moment (though the cynic still lives, don't kid yourself).

Bobby's new bike came in yesterday (yes, another one), so he's like a kid in a candy store. It's not quite put together yet, but it's pretty. A pink headset will do that to any bike, really. He's started riding almost every day again, which was met with a stern lecture from a friend of his, because apparently the pollution is really bad in the valley right now. It's hard to not giggle when people say things like that, because I can't help but think about all the times I was walking across KU's campus and always managed to get stuck behind someone smoking. The air can't be THAT bad, so I'll take my chances with being outside.

The no meat thing is still going strong. I don't even miss it, which is weird, but could have something to do with imagining the crying baby animal every time I see a hamburger. In a weird way, I think Peli senses my vegetarian habits and is pleased with it, because she has been especially snorgly lately. Maybe she was concerned for a while that I was going to eat her someday.

This past Christmas, we started our tradition of baking a birthday cake and giving something to Jesus for His birthday. I'd talked about doing it the first year we were married, but we were travelling all day on Christmas that we didn't have a chance to do it. I decided to give Jesus the gift of reading my scriptures every day (something I'd been seriously slacking on), and let me tell you- it's like prozac on paper! I just have felt so much happier these days, and there has been less contention and stress in our home, and that's really the only change that has been made. It's not a ton of reading-- usually half a chapter to a whole chapter a day-- but even just a little connection to my higher power in addition to my daily prayers has really boosted my sense of security. The church is very true, friends, even if some of the people in it are a little crazy sometimes (myself included).

On that Molly Mormon note, I've decided to learn how to scrapbook. Over Christmas we were at my Aunt Carolynn's house and her chitluns pulled out all the scrapbooks that she had made for them each year, and you could tell it meant so much to them. Heck, I would've loved something like that, simply because it would be a token of my mother's love for me (her love language isn't really that sort of gift giving, unfortunately). So I'm going to get all sorts of skilled so I'm not learning through my first child's scrapbooks so he/she won't use them as evidence that I don't love him/her as much when he/she's a teenager. Think ahead, says the former girl scout in me (that and "buy cookies"). So any tips anyone could provide would be wonderfully appreciated.

Off to work!


Beth said...

So, I'm NOT scrapbooking anything, but I have been reading my scriptures every day! It was my #1 New Year's resolution because I had also been seriously slacking. My secret to success? I don't let myself check my email/blogs/facebook until I've read them. Ha! AND I always write a little insight or thought I had while I read in my journal, which makes me think about it more. IT'S AWESOME!

Kathleen said...

I'm glad you're happy!!! Yeah, Phil and I are trying to crack down on getting FHE going. We actually had one this last Monday, and it was kinda awesome!I figure it'll be a good habit to have before we start that baby/child rearing process!

I love you!

rebecca said...

I did my first "scrapbook" for my senior trip to NY. It was totally a learning experience. I think I even used acid filled paper and tons of marker/stencils. Ah the innocence of being 17.

Anyway, as someone that has done 'some' (as in very very minimal amounts of scrapbooking) I suggest getting one of those kits. You know the ones that have x number of pages and stickers and all the other stuff you need to make 10 or 20 pages. Then you can look masterful without doing anything.

Oh, and stenciled patterns all over the page may seem like a good idea, but 9 years down the road you will think 'what the heck was I thinking?'

Susan said...

I really like your idea of giving a gift to Jesus. I too made that resolution to read my scripture everyday.

Interesting note: I was reading Alma 13:20 yesterday and it says, "Behold, the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them it shall be to your own destruction."

That struck me strongly. It's so important to read the scriptures daily. They are definitely there for our benefit. =)

(I'll get off my soap box now...)