Thursday, January 22, 2009

You know the drill by now.

Comment. Make my editor smile.

Bobby missed a final last semester. He called me devastated, on the verge of tears, as he had just learned that a final BYU's website said was a testing center final was actually a scheduled sit-down-in-class final. It was with a professor that I had a couple semesters prior, and he was one of the few professors that I felt genuinely embodied teaching at a church school. He's a stake president, and when you find that out, you aren't surprised at all (See: President Elliot-like). So I sent a little email explaining the situation and asked if there was anything Bobby could do to make up for it. He let him take a take home final, which was pretty amazing.

So I decided I'd make him cookies. All winter break went by and I didn't get it done. Then, on Sunday, I made some strawberry thumbprint cookies and a put a plate out, wrapped in syran wrap, for Bobby to take to campus to leave in this professor's office. He came home from class for his two hour break with the intent of picking up the cookies, and what did he find?

Syran wrap chewed through, and all but three cookies missing.

Rest assured, Chuck had the diarrhea the rest of the day.

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