Saturday, January 24, 2009

This calls for a celebration.

Yesterday morning, I got paid. Yesterday morning, Bobby paid off one of the credit cards.

Two credit cards down, two to go.

We're pretty much rockstars.

The past couple of days have been really interesting with hotline calls at the shelter. I work at a domestic violence shelter for women and children fleeing abuse. In an abusive situation, the batterer is deemed dangerous, and when a woman decides to flee her batterer, it becomes the most dangerous time of the process. The batterer may decide to retaliate, so keeping the location of the shelter confidential is extremely important. To me, this is common sense. Perhaps that's because I've had a year and a half of shelter experience, but I'm pretty sure I made that assumption prior to working at a DV shelter.

Imagine my surprise when on Thursday and Friday, I received the following phone calls:

Me: Center for Women and Children.
Lady: Hi, where are you located?
Me: Excuse me?
Lady: Where are you located?
Me: Why are you asking?
Lady: Well, I'm a Young Women's leader, and we just made a large batch of cookies that we want to donate! So we need to know where you're located so we can bring them to you!
Me: (Dumbfounded) We're a domestic violence shelter. For the safety of our clients, we keep the location of the shelter confidential.
Lady: We just want to bring you cookies.
Me: We don't do things like that.

The next day.

Me: Center for Women and Children.
Guy: Where are you located?
Me: Why are you asking?
Guy: Well, uh, um, I have a friend, she's uh, staying there, and I know you guys are located in Provo, and so, uh, I was just wondering where you guys were specifically.
Me: (Thinking- really? Does my voice just scream Stupid?) We're a domestic violence shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence. Not only can I neither confirm or deny whether your friend is actually staying here, but I cannot reveal the location of the shelter for the safety of the women and children staying here.
Guy: Oh, oh. Okay. Yeah, I was just curious, since my friend is staying there. Yeah. Just curious.

Really, people? Can I have the location of where YOU are, so at the end of a bad day, I can come over and do the non-violent equivalent of throwing bricks at your head?



TPlayer said...

Love it! We should talk work stuff sometime.

Beth said...

I volunteered at the shelter when I lived there! Not sure if it's the exact same one, but don't worry, I won't reveal the location. :) I played with the kids while the moms were in support group meetings. I was only there my freshman year though.

Kathleen said...

hahaha fantastic. I think he almost got that one by you. haha

p.s. the word verification for this comment is Outsmart...I think it fits

Anonymous said...

Can you read this and tell me what you think?


KC said...

I work at a domestic violence shelter too. Funny the things people will do to try and figure out the location of our place. Ridiculous.