Sunday, March 8, 2009

58 days and counting

Seriously counting. I like to make lists and get all OCD with things that I'm excited about. How many paychecks do I have until we move to Kansas? Calculate how much goes to rent, insurance, bills, etc-- add up money from my newspaper articles and Bobby's bike shop pay check-- minus the bike stuff we're getting. Consider possible amount being added from TWO garage sales we'll be having come end of April. Sell sell sell! It's all I can do to now get boxes now and pack everything up. It wouldn't be so bad living out of boxes for a couple months, would it?

54 days until my last day at work. I have a lot to do between now and then-- organize the files, write a manual for my job, rewrite the volunteer training manual, figure out a system for tracking statistics for the new employee-- all in addition to my normal every day stuff.

9 days until Kathleen comes to Utah. YAY! It's not going to be fiscally exciting (zoom in on my empty wallet), but it'll be good to have time off of work and just chill with my best friend. I see lots of temple hopping in our immediate future. I saw her just this past Christmas, but hot dang, I could go for some Kathleena time on a daily basis (and according to my phone bill, I usually end up doing just that).

I've skipped a few articles that I've written as far as posting a link here goes, but someone left a comment on my article that seems especially potent. It might sound familiar (it's a post I put here last summer with some modifications), but it's something to pay attention to-- watch for cyclists. Seriously. We could die.


TPlayer said...

I love that you just quoted "Rent" :)

Heidi said...

57 days left!!!

Kathleen said...

UMMMMMMMM I think I just peed my pant a little bit!! 9 days!!! I'm just a little bit excited to see you!!!