Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I might throw up.

Tonight marks the first of what will become many, many visits between Kathleena and myself since we've been married folk. I didn't realize until Bobby asked me last night if Kathleen had visited before (silly Bobby and his silly memory), and I said no. Then I thought about it-- I haven't visited her either! We saw each other in Kansas over Christmas, but we hadn't visited one another in our living quarters since going from KS's to KB's. Craziness. So she will be here, and I am SO excited! No work for a few days (except Thursday-- silly group) and spending far too much time with my other me. Bobby may end up poking his eyes out by the end of her trip.

Last night was all sorts of crazy. I can't really go into details because it was with my job (and being a social worker is kind of like being a CIA agent), but how glorious it was to come home to a wonderful husband who made me dinner and wanted to go hiking with our dog. The hike may have gone better if Peli hadn't found something dead to roll in (why does she ALWAYS find the one dead thing in a five mile radius to roll in?), but she needed a bath anyway.

So how many folks watched the Big Love episode? I didn't, because I'm poor and don't have HBO (and having HBO may try to take away from my biking/hiking time, which no thanks), but I did find it on Youtube (everything is on youtube). I watched it out of curiousity, and because I wrote my article on it this week and thought it'd be good if I checked whether or not I had a reason to write the things I wrote. And... I did. I didn't write anything controversial or anything, but I did write that I pretty much had to choose between my family and the things I experienced in the temple, and as a result, my parents don't really speak to me anymore. Those things were so sacred to me that I lost my dad to experience them, and as a hardcore daddy's girl, it wasn't easy. But those experiences were special to me, so it was worth it. It was worth losing that much. So Tom Hanks (yes, the actor) and his grudge against Prop 8 decided to "cast pearls before swine" (not that I consider the public to be swine, per say [depending on the day], but they're not prepared to see/hear the things the episode showed). It made me sick to my stomach to watch it-- kind of like a car wreck-- but I must say, that ex-member consultant they got has an amazing memory. I've been going to the temple for a couple years now and I still need help. It won't hurt the church, of course, but it does make me sad that human decency and respect were the cost of getting a few more viewers this week.

And now my PSA since it's humping season: protect your dog/cat's carnal treasure. Get them spayed or neutered. If you have a dog and want to take them to the shelter, it's going to get put to sleep, simply because it's make-like-a-bunny time and puppies and kittens are everywhere. There's no room. And if you do adopt an animal, you've contracted with that animal that you will care for it and give it the best life possible until it dies. That's not until you kill it, but until it dies. You don't get to put an animal to sleep simply because you can't care for it but you don't want it to go to someone else. Geez.

It's been a week.


TPlayer said...

#1 you called it humping season which made me literally spew laughter out loud unfortunately in the midst of me drinkign soemthing. I believe I even spat water on my screen. nice one...(ode to Bob Barker and his "Help control the pet population!")

#2 I admit I've been curious about the episode but irked at giving them the attention of watchign it.

#3 you are the first person, other than myself, whohas made the Tom Hanks connection. I'm sad too because he was always one of my favorites.

rebecca said...

I watched it online too. Curiosity killed the cat, but we have lived so far. We were pretty surprised at what they chose to portray. I mean no wonder the church put out a statement about it. But you have to admit the "your 15 minutes is up" comment was hilarious. Daniel caught 3 mistakes, I (with my lack of memorizing skillz) just sat there dumbfounded.

And, protect carnal treasure *snicker* that's a good one.