Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Holy crazy town.

It's been a while.

Not a horribly long while, but I am constantly reminding myself what day it is and how much time has passed. SO MUCH has happened in a short amount of time that it feels like it should be June. Oh, well-- I have a dog sleeping at my feet and another sleeping on a huge pile of blankets, so all is well in the world.

Garmin has adjusted nicely to his new family. We've learned that he's a people dog, meaning he whines incessantly when he can hear us outside the apartment door getting ready to come in. He's house trained, though he's had a couple of accidents (he gets scared and piddles). He wants nothing more than to be friends with Chuck, and Chuck is starting to be okay with that.

After acquiring internet today, I feel so connected with the real world. I was able to adjust my fall enrollment so that all of my classes fall on Thursday, making it so I only have to commute to Topeka three days a week as opposed to the original four (or three with one EXTREMELY long day). For this I am grateful. I am also extremely grateful for an apartment that allows two dogs and a cat, and that it's in one of the complexes on Lawrence's Cheapest Places To Live list. Granted, we don't have much storage, but there's plenty of open space for the dogs to wrestle and for Chuck to get extremely anxious.

I had concerns about being in Kansas, what with it not having Utah's outdoor-oriented atmosphere, but in the short week we've been here, Bobby and I have been hiking, biking, running, and going to parks almost every day (usually a couple of those a day). Amid all the activity, Bobby was able to find a job at Urban Outfitters, which is pretty rockin, as it means eventually I may be able to afford the clothing there (after some money gets saved up again, of course). We're starting to recognize some of the poor student panic, which is always exciting. We've made it through before, and we'll make it again.

Speaking of jobs, I was able to get on as a research assistant for one of the doctoral candidates in KU's social work program. I'm really excited about it because he's working on stuff that I'm really interested in. It's a temporary position now, but it could possibly become regular (unlikely, but possible) so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. It's a pretty sweet gig-- I can work whenever I want, so class schedule won't interfere. It also means I'm going to try to find another job, at least for the time being, so if any of the Kansas folk hear of anything, I'm wide open to ideas. Hopefully I'll get a call from at least one of the places I've submitted an application to, which would be grand.

The humidity is driving me a little crazy, but I'll readjust. It makes me feel sort of lame for joking about how easy training is going to be once we returned to Kansas, what with the lower elevation and all. You don't really notice how easy it is to breathe when the sweat refuses to evaporate off your flesh. Thank goodness my hair is so short now that it won't curl.

Peli's trying to eat the trash. I'm assuming that's her signal for me to give her dinner.

1 comment:

rebecca said...

So, we have an AWESOME carpet steamer, if you have too many carpet accidents and want to clean them. And we also have a small one for pet messes that we never use cause it makes the kid scream, which if you want, you could totally borrow forever.