Friday, May 29, 2009

I should probably be a little embarassed.

But I'm not.

You see, a few days ago, the MIL called to ask us a very serious question regarding a very important matter: would Bobby and I be willing to combine our Christmas gift this year and receive... wait for it...


A little background: Once upon a time, I worked at Linens 'n Things. It was actually a really fun job, because I worked in the kitchen/housewares section, and I spent most of my shift walking up and down the aisles, planning out which gadgets I would have someday, and imagined beautiful place settings with shiny food processors. I don't really consider myself very girly, but I do get excited about kitchen stuff. Up, high on a shelf, were the KitchenAid mixers. I would gaze at them longingly, knowing full well that it would be a long, long time before I could have one.

Well, that long time ends NOW (or this December, at least). Come this Christmas, Bobby and I will be proud owners of a beautiful KitchenAid mixer in green apple. I am SO excited!

You know, I would say "it's the little things in life," but to me, this is a really, really big thing. I didn't really get all that excited about graduating college, but acquiring this beautiful piece of machinery makes me feel like I've arrived.

This is when you thank me for taking two giant steps back for feminism. I apologize.

So today marked the second of 6 days of my Mental Health and Psychopathology class. My brain feels extremely mushy. Fortunately, I enjoy reading the DSM-IV-TR (as exhausting as it may be), so the homework isn't so bad. I was a little concerned about my social welfare (no pun intended) after a not so great impression of my first day, but it's improved dramatically. I've had more social work experience than a lot of people my age, so I have to be careful to not come off as a know-it-all (because I certainly don't know it all).

In pet news (because I KNOW you care), Garmin has really put on weight since we increased his food, and on a negative note, I'm kind of mad at the shelter he was in. We've only increased his food over the past two weeks, and he's already looking fantastic (not fat-- but he actually has muscle and you can't see his ribs), so they were feeding him way too little. I really thought he was sick for a while, but he looks amazing now, and he has so much energy. Thank goodness, because I love the little bugger.

Peli has had to adjust as a result. She used to be able to push Garmin around, but now he's got a good ten pounds on her, so she gets beat up a lot. She's used to being the alpha dog, so she's compensating with being extremely affectionate with us.

Chuck is Chuck. He hasn't jumped out of any windows lately, so we're pleased.

I'll be so glad when allergy season is over. It'll be nice having a husband again, rather than a congested heap of unconscious on the floor.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Look at you and your soon-to-be fancy gadgets!!!