Friday, June 19, 2009

Procrastination at its finest.

I'm in the process of writing my final paper for one of my summer classes (it's almost done, I swear!) when I got a handy little email in my inbox. It's a daily email I get regarding some pretty sweet deals online, and this one in particular tickled my fancy. Head on over to this sweet website to get 70% off New Balance stuff. That's shoes and apparel, people. So if your excuse to not come to running group has been that you just don't have the gear for it, order away! The deal is good all weekend.

Seriously. Having the right gear makes a difference.

On a quasi related note, my body developed ebola (which is my generic term for all illnesses I acquire) yesterday, and while I feel like I'm over the hump, my nasal cavity is secreting more mucous than I thought humanly possible. Seriously, I feel like I've filled my TP (if you get the soft kind, you don't need to buy tissues!) with at least ten pounds of snot. Ugh. Let's hope I can get enough out of my system to rock the triathlon tomorrow!

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