Friday, May 16, 2008

Pomp and circumstances

Waking up today was difficult. My alarm went off at seven, and having showered the night before, I planned to jump right out of bed and hop into my padded bib shorts (sexiness embodied) and ride my bike to work. However, a combination of riding 15 miles on a mountain bike yesterday and killing myself at Boys and Girls Club because they decided to play soccer (I forgot how fun soccer was to play), and realizing what today was, I simply did not want to get out of bed. You see, had I remained at the University of Kansas, I would be graduating with all of my social work friends today, and would be done with school until I decide to go to graduate school (depending on whether or not I actually want to be a social worker... we shall see). I sat in my bed, running in my head over and over how disappointing Utah is. I have my husband, my dog, and my cat, but that's about it. I can't name two people in our ward, the students in my classes think I'm some crazy liberal hippie, and I recently found out that our landlord loathes Peli's existence. All in all, I did not want to crawl out from under the covers.

However, upon arriving at my internship today, nausea was on my side and had detained Mrs. Stock, leaving her with only gmail chat to entertain her. So, I might not be graduating today, but I get to spend most of it talking with Heidi, which has lifted my spirits in ways they have not been in a very, very long time. Three cheers to old friends that rock my socks off.


Beth said...

Utah is definitely its own world, but even there not everyone is one giant conservative zombie. If you search around, you can find some people to make fun of everyone else with and have conversations with different points of view. If you go to the education and political science departments, I know you can find a few Democrats. I promise.

I also think moving to where you know NO ONE is hard. I have work friends and ward friends, but no one I just call up and say, "Hey! What are you doing right now? Because I want to go to the park and sit on a blanket and people watch." Except Tim. And we never do that. That will have to change.

Beth said...

But I wouldn't tell them you performed in The Vagina Monologues right away. Give that some time.

Me said...

Ya--I know the Y ed. department has a few "liberals". Too bad you couldn't have commuted to the U though--cause you would have fit RIGHT in there--including in the social work dept. I took some classes there...and they were awesome! I don't disagree with you on the "ugh" of Utah--heck--I grew up there...but know that there is more to Utah than Provo/Orem (Happy Valley Land). It truly is too bad that you 2 haven't been able to go north a little more--cause I could tell you 2 some places to go in SLCity--where you probably would feel like you fit in better. But, ya--Happy Valley is a little too "right wing (okay--too close to facism almost). But, there really are people who think differently there--who have a broader world view... it just seems like there aren't any one there. I would say--if you get a chance--take a field trip to down town SLCity--go to Sam Wellar's book--Trolly Square--go find a restaurant down there--there are a few nice cafe's. Or go hang out up by the U. You'll be amazed who you may be able to meet.

rebecca said...

Meh KU graduation is overrated. You would have only got a sunburn.

Heidi said...

glad to be of service :)

i've decided that all times of transition just pretty much suck. they're extremely challenging and you don't see the fruits until MUCH later. but any time you need a chat, you know where to find me :)